Friday, January 9, 2015


Another book about teens in a dystopian society with a PG love story.

My thoughts
For YA dystopian fiction, there's Lois Lowry's The Giver and then there's everything else. Nothing will ever top The Giver, but reading books like Divergent is an irresistible guilty pleasure for me. The key is to erase all your expectations and suspend disbelief.

The setting is a vaguely futuristic Chicago. There's been some sort of minor apocalypse, and the city has been walled in and society has been reordered into factions that can theoretically coexist in harmony. Except ... not so much with the harmony. Or the coexistence.

What Divergent has going for it is a feisty heroine and a lot of page-turning action. There's a tame romance with a guy with a predictably mysterious past thrown in for good measure. It's a fun, mindless read and I'll probably pick up the next book in the trilogy at some point.

Bottom line
Read the book, skip the movie (yeah, that's right—I watched the movie, too).

Fine print
Divergent, by Veronica Roth
Genre: YA, science fiction
Photo from Goodreads
I borrowed this book from a friend.

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